To be completely forthright, I would say that you could solidify most vegetables, and most with great results. I have chosen a couple to discuss and given you somewhat more data about them. Broccoli is a decent vegetable to solidify however the ones with delicate stalks and no blooms on the heads are better. Ensure you wash the broccoli completely and whiten for 3 minutes before cooling in super cold water for a further 3 minutes. You can pack in plastic compartments or cooler packs in the cooler, which ever you incline toward. At that point solidify.

While picking asparagus, on the off chance that you are picking it yourself, make sure to pick round, smooth, delicate and medium estimated lances with tips that are shut. Ensure you sever any extreme closures as far down as you can up to where the stalks can snap effortlessly. Was the asparagus. If necessary, utilize a vegetable scouring brush to evacuate and sandy or harsh particles. Tie the lances into packs with aluminum thwart or string, or you could cut every stalk into 1 inch measured pieces and store in a plastic holder or cooler sacks. At that point solidify.

With peppers first you have to wash them and remover the seeds in the same way as you typically would. At that point you have to cut the peppers into strips. You can entwine the strips in little packages with aluminum thwart or string, or cut the strips into little pieces and store in a plastic holder or cooler sacks. At that point solidify. At the point when solidifying cabbage you should first strip off the external leaves and wash whatever remains of the cabbage. Cut the cabbage into little thin strip or shed it and whiten for one and a half minutes. At that point cool in icy water for the same measure of time. Put the cabbage in a plastic holder or cooler packs. At that point solidify.

Celery should be washed and cut into 1 inch pieces and after that whitened for 2 minutes. At that point put in icy water for the same measure of time. You can entwine the strips in little packages with aluminum thwart or string, or cut the strips into little pieces and store in a plastic holder or cooler sacks. At that point solidify. Wash tomatoes before uprooting the stems and cutting into equal parts or quarters. You could abandon them entire in the event that you wish. Dry the tomatoes and pack them into plastic holders or cooler sacks. At that point solidify.
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